söndag 7 december 2008

and on the second album, they thought we were gay, but like gay hippies with beards

Min pappa ogillar verkligen musik. Idag satt jag och tittade på Supernatural medan far satt vid datorn 2 meter bort. I reklamen bytte jag till vh-1 och fastnade på en The Killers låt. Pappa blev inte glad och bad mig byta. Jag menar, han tycker om att ha tv:n på i bagrunden, annars blir det för tyst, säger han. Men han störs av musik! Hur kan man hellre lyssna på folk som pratar än musik? Det är oförståligt.

Jag gillade verkligen den där Killers- låten. Human hette den. Jag tror att jag ske The Killers än chans någon gång. Spencer Smith sa så här i en intervju med Out.com:

One album that I’ve been listening to a lot lately is the new Killers record. Just like both of the first records, it took a few listens. With Sam’s Town, I did like the single, but then all of a sudden, two months later, I was like, Fuck, this shit is so good. How did I not know that from the first time?

Fast det får bli senare. När jag inte är helt besatt av Folie a deux. Det har vart på repeat pretty much hela dagen.

Jo, just det, jag hade faktiskt planerat att posta ett annat quote från den där intervjun. Hela saken är väldigt underbar och Spencer är så himla shockerande bra. Ibland glömmer jag det, för han pratar inte så mycket i intervjer.

When I talked to Pete Wentz about how your sound and look have changed, he said, “They’re more gay in a totally other way.” What do you think he meant?
[Laughs] He sounds so smart, you know... Let me try to dissect what that could possibly mean. It’s definitely true that we’re totally gay, and that’s the first point that should be made. When we came out with the first record, there was a very specific style and look that we had for that. Then a lot of people thought that it was really strange that we weren’t just going to perform under a circus top forever. So I think that what he’s trying to say is that the first album, people thought we were gay, especially Brendon -- which may be true. Undetermined at this point. He doesn’t have a wife, so… And on the second album, they thought we were gay, but like gay hippies with beards. And so it is a whole other kind of gay. It’s still there, it’s just presented a little bit differently. But maybe that’s completely bullshit. Maybe even Pete couldn’t figure out what he meant.

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