Ugh, I had my mind set on doing my reading journal. But no. I was apparently supposed to write it while I was reading my book. So now it's too late. 'Cause I'm not looking trough the book for interesting words or whatever. no no no.
Hey, I know! Let's talk about Gabe Saporta! Because I'm not even close to being bored of him. (åh nej, nu fick jag hicka!)
Uh... forgot were I was going with this. (hick!) Oh yeah, I was going to prove how awesome he is. He's not only ridiculously good looking and fun and crazy. He's also fucking smart. Like This is one of the most intelligent interviews I have ever read. I realise you're probably not gonna read it. But you should know anyway; he's amazing.
And if you are interested, then you should read this one too. Lemme quote him:
In my old band [Midtown], we all would always show each other our cocks, you know? Like, our cocks were always out. It wasn't even a homosexual thing. It was just like a bunch of good old boys showing their dicks around.
Do you think you give gay fans unfair expectations?
Yeah, like, do they feel like I'm just trying to market to them? Because I'm not. We use language and tags to make things fit into boxes. Something like sexuality isn't so easily defined by saying one thing or another. I even had this argument with my girlfriend. She works with a lot of men that later on realized they were gay. She's of the persuasion that if you make out with a dude that you're gay. I'm like, no, they're bi, or some people just like to experiment. My feeling is not that you're gay or not gay -- it's like Nirvana says, "Everyone is gay." What does that even mean, that you're gay? The fact that we try to define it as you're gay, straight or you're bi -- what is that? People don't always fit nicely into categories like that.
People don't always fit nicely into categories like that. I think someday I will make a post about my asexuality.
Dagens låt: The Academy Is... - The Test
Jag har slutat hicka!!
1 kommentar:
jag läste intervjun, jag skulle inte ha gjort det om du inte skrivit att ingen skulle läsa den :p
jag håller med, han verkar smart.
HAHA hicka XD
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